António Bugalho Congress President António Bugalho Congress President António Jorge Ferreira Local executive committee António Jorge Ferreira Local executive committee Fernando Guedes Local executive committee Fernando Guedes Local executive committee Jorge Dionísio Local executive committee Jorge Dionísio Local executive committee EABIP Executive Committee Grigoris Stratakos President Grigoris Stratakos President Erik (H.F.M.) van der Heijden President Elect Erik (H.F.M.) van der Heijden President Elect Mohammed Munavvar Past President Mohammed Munavvar Past President Tudor Toma Secretary Tudor Toma Secretary Lina Zuccatosta Director of Membership and Education Lina Zuccatosta Director of Membership and Education SpasojePopevic Director of Website and Scientific Affairs SpasojePopevic Director of Website and Scientific Affairs António Bugalho Director of Finance and Industry Relations António Bugalho Director of Finance and Industry Relations Faye Katsanou Office Manager Faye Katsanou Office Manager